Thursday, February 02, 2006
Let's start with the beginning...
Arrival in Las Vegas was fine! I had a great time... a little bothered by the smoke, but all in all a great time. I also forgot that I was going to a Trade Show. So I seemed to have had all of my suitcases chock full to the brim of Trade Show stuff. I should have mailed most of it home...seeing how I was going to Mexico. Oh Well! We left for Cabo San Jose bright and early on Friday morning. A bit of turbulance on the plane, but it was okay. (I actually liked it, felt like a roller coaster) BTW, I met some local people in Vegas during the ceremonies and found that I would meet them again in Cabo...
Okay back to the plane...
Bob sat next to me... I guess people who know who he is call him Bobby Tan. He is hilarious! I prefer to call him Bakin' Bobby. He lives in Long Island, has never been in a tanning bed and is tanner than I have been on a good summer! (His secret is he tans all year round on the beach) I helped him fill out his customs papers and such and we ended up hanging out most of the Cabo trip! BTW, HWWTS&J was told of all that went on. Bob~ or if you are new to my blog~ HWWTS&J stands for He Who Wears T Shirts & Jeans ~ also known as my husband.
So the day we arrived, it was raining, yuck. With the rain I started to really miss home...
That's it for now...I will post again either later or tomorrow!