Wednesday, February 15, 2006
And you thought I was done for the day...ha
I've decided to weave in my ends as I go
Not a perfect hem, but it is my first!
I first started to do that knit the edge and next row together for a hem thing...just not workin' for me, so I moved on and as I got bored with all of the stockinette, I hemmed.
ooo a finished edge...looks purty.
This is the body of the sweater with the first 16 rows done of each sleeve...then on to the yoke.
added the tape measure for size!
And who can pass up a picture of a sleeping Gracie?
Or some of that crazy arse snow?
And here is HWWTS&J plowing the driveway (cuz I'm just a house bitch...I don't do outside work... he he, besides I had Olympic Knitting to do and nowhere to go!)
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Wow! You're making great progress Christine! Tonite has been a bit frustrating in my Olympic event - every row that I have do so far this evening had to be backed out because I messed up the count when I first picked it up. Ugh! :)
AWWWWWW! love the pictures of the sweater... even loved the baby pic more! they look so peaceful when they sleep!
Hi Christine - I'm a neighboring (Danbury) Team Wales team mate. Looks like you're making great progress! I got a lot done on Sunday, cause we weren't going anywhere in that snow!
Go Wales!
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