Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Well, Here's the start of my Sockapaltwoza journey...
So, could it be you? My pal asked for Koigu, so I am headed over to an LYS that I do not like, because they are the only ones in my general area that carries Koigu. This will be fun for me as I have not yet tried Koigu (are you sick of me typing Koigu?...I think it is fun to type Koigu, Koigu, Koigu, Koigu.) Okay back to the pal lacy socks...what to do, what to do. I have thought about Nancy Bush's Travelers Socks from Knitting on the Road. But, this sock has a semi-lace top and cables down the you think it will be okay? Hmmmm. I will see if the obnoxious yarn store has any patterns for KOIGU, KOIGU socks... More on this later...maybe even expensive is KOIGU? Geesh, I hope she likes them!

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